Traveling the World as a Form of Transformation and Growth with Amanda Kingsmith

On this episode of Balance Your Life I am chatting with Amanda Kingsmith. Amanda Kingsmith is a 500-hour RYT, a yoga business coach, and a world traveler. She blends her background in business with her love of yoga and is passionate about helping yoga teachers create careers that they are passionate about and that are sustainable. Amanda is also the co-host of The World Wanderers, a podcast on travel and travel as a lifestyle. When she’s not practicing or teaching yoga, you can find Amanda traveling the world with her husband, Ryan, hiking mountains, or curling up with a cup of tea and a good book.  On this episode we discuss what it was like for her to first be introduced to yoga as a competitive dancer, backpacking across Europe, Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand,  taking a yoga teacher training in Bali, building a brand out of personal need, and how to make health and wellness a priority and a full time traveler.

amp;lt;p>On this episode of Balance Your Life I am chatting with Amanda Kingsmith. Amanda is a 500-hour RYT, a yoga business coach, and a world traveler. She blends her background in business with her love of yoga and is passionate about helping yoga teachers create careers that they are passionate about and that are sustainable.