Are you in Chronic Pain? Listen to This! with Nicole Ablack-Ramkay and Carrie Meyer

This week on Balance Your Life I am joined by Nicole Ablack-Ramkay and Carrie Meyer. Nicole is a Certified SomaYoga Therapist & Pain Resolution Therapist with a background in yoga & Pilates. Nicole believes that we have the power to heal ourselves from pain and suffering. She has had the privilege of watching her clients move from suffering to thriving through simply following The Method she recommends to reduce or resolve pain. She lives in beautiful Toronto, Ontario. Carrie is an IAYT Certified SomaYoga Therapist specializing in Neuromuscular Re-education. Carrie believes movement is medicine and that our time on this earth is an opportunity to release the tendencies that obstruct clear seeing and being. Together they co-own and, a video on demand channel and online learning platform which bridges the best of yoga therapy, somatics, functional movement re-education and mindfulness. On this episode we discuss what chronic pain actually is, and why most of us have it or will experience it in our lives, and how our bodies and mind have the ability to heal itself from pain and trauma given the right tools. We also discuss how we can reboot the brain’s control of the body, what somatics is, and why it’s so beneficial to lean and know, as well as why they as so passionate about helping people live pain free.

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amp;nbsp;<p>This week on Balance Your Life I am joined by Nicole Ablack-Ramkay and Carrie Meyer. Nicole is a Certified SomaYoga Therapist & Pain Resolution Therapist with a background in yoga & Pilates. Nicole believes that we have the power to heal ourselves from pain and suffering.